Benefits of Kale

Benefits of Kale

Benefits of Kale

Kale belonging to the Brassicaceae family is very popular in the colder regions of Europe, especially in Germany. In the 1980s it arrived in the US and thanks to its properties it has gained considerable popularity.

It is a first cousin to broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage, as well as having its own varieties: curly-leaf kale, flat-leaf kale (a bit more bitter), Russian red kale, Tuscan kale, dinosaur kale.

All of them have an intense green, crisp and fibrous leaves and a unique flavor.

Values per 100 g

  1. Potassium (491mg)
  2. Calcium (150mg)
  3. Phosphorus (92mg)
  4. Magnesium (47mg)
  5. Sodium (38mg)
  6. Iron (1.47mg)
  7. Zinc (0.56mg)

Vitamins and minerals

Vitamin A, C and K

Vitamin B3 and B9 (Folic acid)

Chlorophyll, Carotenoids, Lutein

Antacids, Anti-inflammatory

Antioxidants, Anticancer

Detoxifying and diuretic

Immune Boosting Green Drink

  • From a medicinal or therapeutic point of view, the calcium content of
  • Kale juice serves as a natural antacid in the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers, as well as to treat intestinal inflammation.
  • This calcium is better absorbed and fixed than that of milk thanks to the rest of the micronutrients it provides us (such as phosphorus and magnesium, essential for good calcium absorption), which is why it is very important for bone health and prevention of osteoporosis.
  • Antioxidants to prevent cancer and care for eyesight
  • Lutein and carotenoids have a very important function as antioxidants against free radicals, in addition to acting as a natural sun filter located in the back of the eye; Therefore, it protects the eyes from the damaging effects of the sun and prevents visual loss that usually occurs naturally over time.
  • Kale is closely related to the prevention of cancer and the development of tumors thanks to Vitamin K (especially colon cancer, lung cancer and those with hormonal origin).
  • The incredible combination of vitamin C and iron favors the absorption of this mineral, making it perfect for those who tend to suffer from anemia.
  • The high levels of potassium and sodium cause a diuretic effect that helps eliminate accumulated fluids in the body, making it very convenient in the treatment of diabetes, obesity, uric acid, and related heart diseases.
  • It is a useful vegetable when it comes to lowering high cholesterol levels, preventing heart disease and helping us take care of our cardiovascular system.

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