How to Take Care of Your Body in Summer

How to Take Care of Your Body in Summer?. In the summer, most people get skin rash. This is actually the inner heat of the body that comes out in spots. We can even call this a type of allergy. To be saved from skin rash, it’s important that we keep our body cold. Showering twice a day is a good idea and always use an anti-bacterial soap.

The smell that comes from our sweat that’s actually the smell of dead bacteria that have stayed on our bodies in a big quantity. To keep our bodies cold in the summer, having a mud bath is also a good idea.

To have a mud bath, mix mud with water and rose water, then make a thin paste and apply on your body. Where skin rash has appeared, apply more. When the paste dries after 15-20 minutes, wash your body with cold water.

By using mud, your skin rash disappears, and your body stays cold, but if your skin dries, it means that there are a lot of dead cells on your body. To solve this, make a carrot paste by crushing them. Then mix the paste in milk.

Massage your shoulder, back and hands with the paste. By using this, all the dead cells on your body die, and your skin becomes silky, because milk also does the job of a bleaching agent and it also gives you a fair complexion.

Sometimes, our back and neck darkens because of the sun. To lighten your skin, boil one potato and mix with a little bit of lemon juice and make a paste, and apply on your back and neck.

Massage them with a bit of force. Wash it off after 10 minutes with cold water. You can even get rid of sunburns if you have them.

In the summer, most people get skin rash. This is actually the inner heat of the body that comes out in spots. We can even call this a type of allergy. To be saved from skin rash, it’s important that we keep our body cold. Showering twice a day is a good idea and always use an anti-bacterial soap.

  1. how to white under arms and other things..bcz some body area is very dark for using the creams

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